Station 47

As Prince of Peace celebrates several years of faithful service to Station 47, it is time to evaluate this wonderful ministry. The past few years have shown that this ministry is driven by a handful of very committed volunteers, and not by the majority of the church. Therefore, the leadership has decided to reinvent the organization of this ministry. In short, we are releasing the administrative aspects of this ministry to allow our volunteers to provide meals as often, or as little as you wish.

How will this work?

We will provide Station 47 with a list of names of our people that the station can keep on record. If you are on our list, you may have the freedom to bring them refreshments/meals at your leisure. If you want to provide a meal once a month, every week, or once a year, you are free to bless Station 47 at your own schedule. If you are interested in continuing with this ministry, or starting, please CLICK HERE to sign up or at the Welcome Desk.

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