Lenten Guide 2024

Lenten Path

As a family, add a symbol to your Lenten Path each Sunday or Holy Day as you journey toward Jerusalem reflecting on the suffering and rejection of Jesus. You may also choose to extinguish a candle along with each symbol to remind you that Lent is the season of the church during which we remember the Light leaving the world.

Ash Wednesday

Symbol: Cross with Ashes
Scripture: Mark 1:35-39
Speak: I wonder what Jesus prayed about when he was alone. Talk about how you can spend more time in prayer during this season of Lent. What would you like to bring before the Lord or hear from Him during this holy time? 

1st Sunday of Lent

Symbol: Stones
Scripture: Mark 1:12-13 
Speak: I wonder how Jesus knew what to say when he was tempted. Talk about a time you have faced temptation. How did you feel when you were tempted? 

2nd Sunday of Lent

Symbol: Coin
Scripture: Mark 2:13-17
Speak: I wonder how the tax collectors and sinners felt when the Pharisees criticized Jesus for associating with them. Talk about how you can reach out to those who are on the edge of society. Who are the “sick people” today? 

3rd Sunday of Lent

Symbol: Bundle of Grain
Scripture:  Mark 2:23-28
Speak: I wonder how the disciples felt when Jesus defended their actions on the Sabbath. Talk about how the Sabbath is a blessing to you. What can you do to practice Sabbath?

4th Sunday of Lent

Symbol: Broken Heart
Scripture: Mark 6:1-6 
Speak: I wonder how Jesus felt being rejected by his family and friends. Talk about a time you have been rejected by those close to you. How do you cope with rejection?

5th Sunday of Lent

Symbol: Hand
Scripture:  Mark 7:1-23
Speak: I wonder why there were rules about clean and unclean. Talk about what makes you clean and unclean. What can you do to hold onto God’s commands?

Palm Sunday

Symbol: Palm Leaf
Scripture: Mark 11:1-10
Speak: I wonder what the disciples thought of Jesus as he rode through the crowds in Jerusalem. Talk about where you would want to be in this story. How would you have felt?

Maundy Thursday

Symbol: Cup and Bread
Scripture: Mark 14:12-26
Speak: I wonder what it was like to be at the table with Jesus. Talk about what the Lord’s Supper means to you. Why do we celebrate Communion today?

Good Friday

Symbol: Dark Cross
Scripture: Mark 15:22-39
Speak: I wonder how the friends of Jesus felt when he was crucified. Talk about a time when you felt sad and disappointed. What do you do when you feel hopeless?

Easter Sunday

Symbol: Tomb
Scripture: Mark 16:1-11
Speak: I wonder what Jesus’ friends thought when they heard he was alive. Talk about what the resurrection means to you. Why is Easter so important?